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Notes from Z: Genesis 002

Genesis 002: The Realiztion

The faithful day that humanity underwent the total hell draws near with every passing second. The destruction it wrought in inevitable and immeasurable. No heavenly or earthly power can stop it. The first event in the hyper-timeline shall be the realization of humans that there exists no such Godly power or super-spirit that over-watches all life forms. The realization that had been overshadowed by a lie, an prehistoric lie that they are inferior and there is some spirit that is superior to all. They will realize that countless humans were born with a lie, raised along with a lie, devoted their lives for a lie and died with a lie. Then the existence of God shall be eradicated from the pages of time. Humans shall understand the value of life. Such a short-life, which they had been wasting with a thought in mind that there exists an afterlife. They shall realize that all that can be done can only be done while your are alive.

Genesis 3
